Our Events
Our first event was a single-day dance competition held in April 1994. Over the years, our competition has evolved into weekend-long dance competitions, holiday benefit shows, toy collections, charity dinners, walks, and much more.
Our 2024-2025 Events
Annual Performing Arts Competition
Over our first quarter century, Kids for Kids, Dancing for Life’s Performing Arts competitions have grown from a one-day event that raised $2000.00, to one of the premier charitable dance competition in the United States. Currently in our 32nd season, we are grateful for all of the support and generosity of our KFK Family. Rest assured, if you’ve donated, received a donation, sponsored, competed or even dropped that spare change in the donation cup next to the free coffee, you’re part of our KFK Family. Since 1994, KFK has raised close to $2.5 Million for children in need, not only in our local community, but all over the world.
Annual KFK Makin’ It Special Holiday Show
Kids for Kids, Dancing for Life, Inc will hold its annual Makin’ It Special Holiday Show to collect toys for children in need. This event, executed by our KFK Ambassadors, with the support of the community and the New Haven Marine Corps Cadets, has helped to distribute thousands of toys over the years. This event showcases some of the finest youth talent in our area and is fun for all ages. Please join us this year and help us to MAKE IT SPECIAL…